Coqで「停止性 + 弱合流性 = 合流性」の証明


Abstract Rewriting Systemにおいて、「停止性と弱合流性(局所合流性)を持つ書き換え系は合流性を持つ」という定理があります*1。 この証明は、書き換え系の停止性から整礎帰納法を使って示すのが一般的です。 整礎帰納法はCoqでどうやるんだろう...と思って調べていたらwell_foundedというのがあるらしいと知ったので、やってみました。

Section Confluency.
  Variable X : Set.
  Definition relation (X : Type) : Type :=
    X -> X -> Prop.
  Variable R : relation X.
  Notation "x '==>' y" := (R x y) (at level 80).

  Reserved Notation "x '==>*' y" (at level 80).
  Inductive multiR : relation X :=
  | multi_refl :
      forall (x : X), x ==>* x
  | multi_step :
      forall (x y z : X),
      x ==> y ->
      y ==>* z ->
      x ==>* z
  where "x '==>*' y" := (multiR x y).

  Hint Constructors multiR.

  Lemma multiR_trans :
    forall x y z, x ==>* y -> y ==>* z -> x ==>* z.
    intros. generalize dependent z.
    induction H as [x | x w y]; auto.
    - intros. apply multi_step with w; auto.

  Definition weak_confluent_R :=
    forall x y y' : X, x ==> y -> x ==> y' ->
    exists z : X, y ==>* z /\ y' ==>* z.

  Definition confluent_R :=
    forall x y y' : X, x ==>* y -> x ==>* y' ->
    exists z : X, y ==>* z /\ y' ==>* z.

  Definition terminating_R :=
    well_founded (fun x y => y ==> x).

  Theorem newman :
    terminating_R -> weak_confluent_R -> confluent_R.
    unfold weak_confluent_R, confluent_R.
    intros termination weak_confluent x.
    induction x as [x IH] using (well_founded_ind termination);

    destruct H as [x | x w y].
    - (* x = y *)
      exists y'; split...
    - destruct H0 as [x | x w' y'].
      + (* x = y' *)
        exists y; split...
      + assert (exists u, w ==>* u /\ w' ==>* u) by
          (apply weak_confluent with x; auto).
        destruct H3 as [u [? ?]].
        assert (exists v, y ==>* v /\ u ==>* v) by
          (apply IH with (y:=w); auto).
        destruct H5 as [v [? ?]].
        assert (multiR w' v) by (apply multiR_trans with u; auto).
        assert (exists d, v ==>* d /\ y' ==>* d) by
          (apply IH with w'; auto).
        destruct H8 as [d [? ?]].
        exists d; split...
        apply multiR_trans with v...
End Confluency.



